
Waking the tiger formable nations
Waking the tiger formable nations

waking the tiger formable nations

Regarding the older cosmetic tags, which the game already had before WtT, from inspecting the files there doesn't seem to be too big a difference between the two. Preceding unsigned comment added by AkatsukiEmpire ( talk) 1:01, 7 April 2018‎ (CEST) TBH, I am not too pleased with this article as a whole - it needs to be re-implemented using a modified EU4 template as is. If we are going to put the Franco-British Union on here, should the others be put there too? for example: Manchukuo can form Qing China, Communist china can form the PRC and Hungary can be Greater Hungary (although, this one may just be a name change like the Franco-British Union).

Waking the tiger formable nations